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Monday, November 7, 2011

Metal, and why we love it!

Metal is a genre that if one chooses, can be divided into many sub-genres and fusions. From Classic Metal to Power Metal to Metalcore, to everything in-between, everything before and everything after. It can be heard in countries all over the world. The core elements of Metal consisting of blues and the trippy psychedelic rock of the mid and late sixties have remained fairly intact except for some minor tweaking here and there from early Heavy Metal bands such as Zeppelin and Sabbath to some of today's bands like Suicide Silence, Arch Enemy and Trivium to name a few.

Crushing rhythms, fast leads, pounding drums and hard vocals have become the hallmark of Metal. It can be discordant, melodic or have odd time signatures. It's powerful, brutal, and beautiful all at the same time. It's hard to imagine a life without the sound of palm muted down-picked guitars, blast beats and some guttural vocals!

Metal is a force that motivates us, it drives us to be better, stronger and more "Metal" than the rest of the world. Metal shows us that others feel the same way we do and that they've gone through the same things. Life isn't always a pop song. Or if it is and you need to get away from it really fast, put some metal on the iPod. Whether its Speed, Thrash, Hardcore or Death Metal, Its all The greatest sound ever created!

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