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Monday, November 7, 2011

Who the fuck listens to this noise?

Have you ever heard someone say "I don't know how you can listen to this! It just sounds like a bunch of noise!"? I've been hearing it my whole life! Admittedly, I have been known to listen to things that I understand can be hard for those whom are not accustomed to, nor understand Metal, to accept. My favorites range from Power Metal to Death and Black Metal and everything in between, so I would be a fool to believe that most people would appreciate Deicide or even Immortal.

The majority of people I meet that claim to like Metal, are really just fans of "Radio Friendly Metal". We all know guys like this. Guys that think the Black Album was Metallica's first and greatest album. The guys that wear their Disturbed shirts and bondage pants. While I have nothing against "Radio Friendly Metal" (I happen to enjoy some of it), I doubt that these guys have the ability to listen to Heavier Metal and appreciate and enjoy it, but I guess it's better to have Radio Friendly Metal Heads than no Metal Heads at all!

I believe that Mainstream Music is palatable for the most part, to people who don't know who they are, what they like, and that conform daily to the standards of this extremely  musically sterile world!   I guess there is nothing wrong with that,  if you're that guy, but I encourage you to think outside the box for once in your life, and find something with some meaning, some value that makes you happy and makes you your own person! Don't be that guy!

I wasn't born with the need or ability to conform. I would probably be a lot better off if I had been. My brain doesn't work that way. I want to hear something brutal, something fast and heavy! I am not content to just listen to what they want me to hear on the radio! I want to hear all the Metal that is out there! While I lack the ability to conform, I do have the conviction to be my own person, I have a commitment to Metal that will never end! Take your Pop, your Hip Hop, and shove it up your ass!

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